It all started in September 2013 when I moved to Roşia Montană. In the first few days I made a list of all the things I wanted to accomplish here and at the bottom of the list I wrote: “TOURISM – website”. I started working on the website in 2014 but I got sidetracked with other projects.
Still thinking about touristic advertising for Roşia Montană, I bought the domain in june 2015.
On September 7th, 2016 I attended the Cioclovina Leader’s Academy organised by the National Organisation of Romanian Scouts where I set the goals I wanted to reach by the year 2023. At that time, Visit Roşia Montană was in my Top 3.
În 22 septembrie 2016 am avut oportunitatea de a participa prin SlowFood Turda la Festivalul Terra Madre – Salone del Gusto din Torino. Aici am fost fascinat de toate standurile cu mâncare din toată lumea, iar printre altele anumite țări aveau și standuri de promovare turistică. Standul Visit Finland m-a impresionat și am plecat acasă cu bagajul plin de broșuri.
On September 22nd, 2016 I had an opportunity through Slow Food Turda to attend the Terra Madre Festival – Salone del Gusto in Turin, Italy. I was fascinated by all the food stands from all over the world. I noticed that amongst other things some countries also had tourism advertising. One in particular caught my eye: Visit Finland. I left home that day with a bag full of brochures.
As I was studying multimedia design in Copenhagen, being attracted to the North, I started to research the web on Scandinavian ways of promoting touristic attractions.
Little by little I started to work on Visit Roşia Montană project and to share my work with some of the locals. In May 2019, motivated by one of the Scouts of Roșia Montană, Cristi, we decided to team up and start promoting Roşia Montană.
Together with our team, we wish to advertise the tourist attractions of Roşia Montană, to offer guided tours, unforgettable activities and experiences for tourists who choose to visit our village. In the long term, we want to organise events every weekend and attract people not just with nature, heritage and history, but also with interesting events and happenings.